Sunday, November 7, 2010

Learning and Systems

Let's imagine an impossible task. Getting agreement on a public policy for wolves. Federal, state and local government plus environmental, hunters, ranchers and others. Traditional methods don't work with everyone using the media to argue, public meetings to rant, regulations to control, laws to punish, etc. All those methods use words spoken or written.

One proposed process uses groups to build a consensus model of the system under review. members of the group have little or no math or model building skills. Someone has to lead the group. Group talks, leader translates into visuals and builds model. Group talks, leader tests model. Group asks questions, leader validates and verifies model. Group asks more questions, leader exercises model to respond to questions.

A model of the system is not the goal. The journey is what leads to discovery that creates learning. Learning is the goal. Learning leads to more questions and a revised model. Starting the cycle all over again.

There is a way to engage people online. build a model in Stella or iThink, upload to Forio using NetSim. Then use "share" or "embed" to connect the model with social media like Facebook or a blog. People can exercise the model give feedback and the author can revise the model. This process might work for a model of wolves. People might learn.

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