Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Wrong Headed Editorial by Oregonian (Oregonlive.com)

Why 'climate change' will not be on our 2015 editorial agenda: Editorial

“We seldom discuss climate change, rather, because we focus almost exclusively on state and local matters. Weighing the costs and benefits of climate-change policy is best done at the federal and international levels.”

Fallacies come in many colors, shapes and sizes. The fallacy is blaming federal and international policy makers for something when each of us is responsible. This is pointing the finger at others when each of us needs to take action.

“On occasion, of course, our editorials do stray beyond Oregon's borders, but in such cases there is generally a direct and significant Oregon connection.”

The pollution from China strays across the Pacific Ocean to Oregon. The people migrating from drought stricken California stray across the Oregon border.  The storms from the Pacific Ocean stray across the Oregon border leave less snow and more rain causing less dissolved oxygen for fish, rapid runoff in the spring and summer droughts.

“…written multiple editorials about federal legislation that would allow increased harvests on land…”

Cutting down trees stops sequestration of CO2 and does the opposite of what we should be doing.

“Federal and international efforts to combat global warming are not Oregon-specific.”

Never heard of the phrase “Think global, act local”?  Action dealing with climate change are all local actions.  There is no such thing as federal or international effort. The only effort to deal with climate change is by an individual.

“We do sometimes write about state-level climate-change regulation, and almost never favorably. Why not? Because, again, weighing the costs and benefits of climate change policy is best handled at the federal and international levels.”

Using a fallacy to justify what you write and your actions. Just like Rush Limbaugh.

I don’t see any point in continuing.  Your confidence in understanding the current and future situation blocks your acceptance of the need for change.  Classic case of denial, just like an addict hooked on the past.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Third Industrial Revolution

Five pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution
By Jeremy Rifkin
Also see his book The Zero Marginal Cost Society

The five pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution are 

  1. shifting to renewable energy; 
  2. transforming the building stock of every continent into green micro–power plants to collect renewable energies on-site; 
  3. deploying hydrogen and other storage technologies in every building and throughout the infrastructure to store intermittent energies; 
  4. using Internet technology to transform the power grid of every continent into an energy internet that acts just like the Internet (when millions of buildings are generating a small amount of renewable energy locally, on-site, they can sell surplus green electricity back to the grid and share it with their continental neighbors); and 
  5. transitioning the transport fleet to electric plug-in and fuel cell vehicles that can buy and sell green electricity on a smart, continental, interactive power grid.               

Describe the future landscape based on the above.  There are three internets: energy, communications and logistics.

Every building has solar collectors and electrical energy storage. Within each building there are sensors that collect data for analysis and reporting of temperatures, humidity, specific electricity usage, and many other variables.  Every building is a micro-power plant connected to a smart micro-grid that is connected to a larger smart grid.  The energy internet connects all the nodes and the nodes all communicate with each other.

Every building has an internet connection to transmit data wirelessly to a central database for analysis and reporting of energy generation and use.  Consumers transform into producers by having a 3D printer that is their own factory, or over the internet they send a digital design to a 3D printer near them.  The communications internet enables the creation of prosumers.

Every building has electrical charging stations for electric cars and trucks.  Fuel cell vehicles have exchange locations.  Solar energy is used to charge the electric vehicles and deliver to local customers the products from prosumers.  Autonomous vehicles and smart transportation grids make transportation safer and more efficient. Global trade uses fewer ships burning fossil fuels.  Airplanes convert to non-fossil fuel engines.  Sensors provide information over the internet to create a smart transportation grid that works as a logistic internet.