Saturday, December 24, 2016


The following is a non-violent strategy:
If enough people lie, often enough, then we will destroy verbal communication.

As a Boomer, my role in this Crisis Era is to show the moral and ethical direction.  My role is to show a moral path, bond with Millennials and stand up to authoritarian aggression.  Here is an attempt to make a moral case for #TheResistance (twitter hashtag)

Governor Jerry Brown’s speech to the AGU on 12/14/2017 inspired me to envision a non-violent disobedience campaign based on “Reductio ad Absurdum."

California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. delivered remarks Dec. 14, 2016, at the American Geophysical Union's Fall Meeting in San Francisco. 

“There is a paradoxical benefit when someone takes to an absurd length a completely erroneous position because that then unmasks the error in such a vivid way that allows everyone else to refute, to join together and to be embolden to move forward.”

Reductio ad Absurdum = "Reduce to absurdity and when you do that everybody sees the absurd path you are on."

Proposal:   As a form of protest, non-violent disobedience in violation of social norms would be lying like Donald Trump.

Action: After Jan 20, 2017, everyone behaves like Donald Trump. The absurdity of everyone behaving like Trump means everyone acts in morally unacceptable ways. 

The position of President, whoever fills that position, represents a role model for everyone.  Therefore we should behave like the President.  After 1/20/2017, I plan to behave like President Trump.  Hashtags will be #TheResistance #donthecon #LieLikeTrump

If enough people lie, often enough, then we will destroy verbal communication.

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