Monday, November 21, 2016

Regeneracy in The Fourth Turning

What is your evidence for the 23 following statements?

During Every Fourth Turning there is a Regeneracy.
Regeneracy – An action plan that unifies and energizes civic life.

  1. A drawing together into whatever definition of community is available at the time.
  2. People stop tolerating the weakening of institutions, the splintering of the culture, and the individualizing of daily behavior.
  3. Spiritual curiosity abates, manners traditionalize, and the culture is harnessed as propaganda for the purpose of overtly reinforcing good conduct.
  4. One to three years after the initial catalyst, people begin deputizing government to enforce it.
  5. Collective action is seen as vital to solving the societies most fundamental problems.
  6. With the civic ethos now capable of producing civic deeds, a new dynamic of threat and response takes hold.
  7. Instead of downplaying problems, leaders start exaggerating them.
  8. Instead of deferring solutions, they accelerate them. Instead of tolerating diversity, they demand consensus.
  9. Instead of coaxing people with promises of minimal sacrifice, they summon them with warnings of maximal sacrifice.
  10. Leaders energize every available institution and direct them toward community survival.”
  11. Society propels itself on a trajectory that nobody had foreseen.
  12. Societal problems that, in the Unraveling, posed insuperable dilemmas now appear to have simple if demanding solutions.
  13. A new resolve about urgent public goals crowds out qualms about questionable public means.
  14. Crisis eras are studded with faulty leadership and inept management. Surprisingly, the public often follows even when mistakes are made.
  15. Individuals are expected to comply with new standards of virtue.
  16. Family order strengthens, and personal violence and substance abuse decline.
  17. Those who persist in free-wheeling self-orientated behavior now face implacable public stigma, even punishment.
  18. Winner-take-all arrangements give way to new mechanisms of social sharing.
  19. Questions about who does what are settled on grounds of survival, not fairness.
  20. A renewed social division of labor by age / sex.
  21. Elders are expected to step aside for the young, women for men.  When danger looms, children are expected to be protected before parents, mothers before fathers.
  22. All Social arrangements are evaluated anew; pre-Crisis promises and expectations count for little.
  23. In the crisis, the pace of daily life will seem to slow down just as political and social change accelerates. (this vs. a past time of fast-paced personal lives against a background of public gridlock)

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