Thursday, November 5, 2020

Value Lenses

A few years ago, my young niece was afraid of a large white rabbit (person in costume), I gave her my sunglasses and told her the rabbit couldn’t see her.  She believed me and we walked hand-in-hand right past him.  She was so happy!

Republican politicians tell their voters to look at the world thru only three value lenses: individual rights, personal responsibility and private authority.  They demand their voters reject collective rights, collective responsibility and public authority - the values of Democrats.  

However, Democrats include all six values in their policies, communication and voting.  Why don’t Republicans?  Because Republicans require an enemy, a boogyman and a devil.  Republicans live in a bubble of misinformation, propaganda and lies to keep their loyal voters.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Li-ion Cost Decline and Forecast Using Cumulative Production Volume

Li-ion Cost Decline and Forecast

Using Cumulative Production Volume

Data Source: Ark Invest

 Wright’s Law Formula Y=aX^b

Y = cumulative average $/kWh

X = cumulative kWh produced

a = cost required to produce 1st unit

b = slope of the function

For example, the graph shows Li-ion cost decline and forecast using cumulative production volume.  Estimating the values from the graph and entering them into a spreadsheet, then estimating the linear equation using natural log values (LN).

LN(Y) = 9.2 - 0.55*LN(X)

As a result, we forecast future battery cost declines based on increases in cumulative kWh produced.  2020 costs average $100/kWh.  Estimated 2021 and 2022 are $95/kWh and $90/kWh respectively.  However Tesla has stated they have a new 10 gWh factory producing the new 4680 cells in California at full capacity by 2022.  This means Tesla will probably be producing batteries at about $40/kWh from the 10gWh factory and the older designed batteries and Nevada factory will still be at $90/kWh.

This aligns with Tesla’s estimate that they will reduce $/kWh battery costs by about 50 percent in 2022 when operating at full capacity.  As volume increases, based on scaling up to Terawatt-hour factories (probably in Texas and Berlin), then the battery costs per kWh will continue to decline until they are a commodity both for vehicles and grid scale, residential or commercial energy storage.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Millenial Generation (Born 1982 - 2004)

Our lives, our sacred honor and our Democracy are all on the line November 3, 2020.  Each Generation approaches this kind of tipping point in history with a different attitude.  GenX (Born 1961 - 1981) believe individual responsibility solves all problems.  They expect nothing from government and receive nothing.  The majority of GenX will be on the losing side of the election in November.

Millennials remain incredibly optimistic because they know who will win the election and lead America out of this multi-crisis era.  Millennials will continue to adapt and change, and fit into whatever happens.  Millennials experience all the chaos, destruction and turmoil in society.  How do they remain optimistic?

Optimism saves Millennials from following the path described by the current Administration.  Millennials believe in Community and learned to be risk averse. Millennials believe you don’t trust the individual, you trust the group.  Millennials have been told they are special since they were born and so they take care of themselves because everyone expects great things from them.

There will be tremendous wealth destruction over the next 5 to 10 years as the fossil fuel industry wealth degrades and their influence on politicians plummets to nothing.  The old social order also gets destroyed with the shift away from Republican and Conservative values toward Democracy and collective values.

As then Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover wrote in his 1922 book American Individualism: "Individualism has been the primary force of American civilization for three centuries.”  Individual responsibility will degrade and collective responsibility championed by Millennials will prevail in 2021.

Political scientist Stephen Skowronek said in an interview in November 2016:

“If there’s going to be a reconstruction following a failed Trump presidency, it’s going to be something completely different than what we’ve seen before. Somebody has to come up with what that’s going to be. That’s a job for political action, not political science.”

In 2020 and beyond, happiness will be based on a collectivist society not individual wealth.  Collectivist teams are where everyone is making decisions collectively, this results in more of a consensus decision making model and typically the team feels responsible for the success collectively.  The Biden/Harris nomination positions Democrats to take political action by creating collectivist teams that reject individualism offered by Republicans.  As a result, Republicans will be reduced to the minority party for decades after the Democrats success from 2020 through 2028 enters the history books.

What about Baby Boomers?  Joe Biden is one of the oldest Boomers alive today.  The top leaders in a time of multiple crises have always been from an older generation at the time.  There are GenX and Millennial leaders supporting specific agendas within the overall Democrat agenda.  However a Boomer generation leader was expected to step forward and lead a collective political action.

Friday, May 29, 2020

COVID-19 Made Impossible Possible

COVID-19 is a major public health and economic event of historical importance, potentially unprecedented in its magnitude in peacetime, with an economic contraction faster and steeper than the Great Depression.  This impossible situation opens gaps in America’s institutions, laws and healthcare system.  These gaps become opportunities for politicians after January 20, 2021.  Lifting Americans out of poverty now includes the unemployed or "working poor".

Assuming a total in early 2020 of about 160 million people, in the workforce or looking for work, with a historical 3.5% unemployment rate, that would be 5.6 million unemployed and looking for work.  In May 2020, estimated unemployment rate rising toward 30% that would be 48 million people unemployed.  The unemployed are unable to get health insurance through an employer.  This obvious gap in our private healthcare system presents an opportunity for politicians to lower the age for Medicare and expand the eligibility for ACA.

Today, COVID-19 made the impossible possible. The Pandemic has opened our eyes to the significant inequality and injustice of the American private healthcare system that depends on full employment. After January 2021, a new President will work to improve the healthcare system for everyone.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

When Trump Became Irrelevant

When Trump pulled America out of the Paris Climate Agreement, he became irrelevant to the cities, counties and states approving Climate Action Plans.  Since then, anything Trump says about the Climate Crisis sounds like noise.

When Trump failed in responding to the Pandemic, he became irrelevant to the mayors, county health officers and governors managing the global COVID-19 pandemic.  Since then, anything Trump says about the Pandemic sounds like noise.

When Trump and the GOP passed a tax cut so that 83% of the benefits were for the top 1%, Trump and the GOP became irrelevant to 99% of workers.  When Trump and the GOP refuse to pass bills to help unemployed workers, underfunded states and the pandemic response, they become irrelevant to working Americans and the unemployed.  As a result, anything they say about the economic recovery, businesses reopening or funding sounds like noise.

When Trump and the GOP engaged in corruption, violating laws and damaging America’s democracy, they became irrelevant in politics.  As a result, anything they say about the November election, policies or the economy sounds like noise.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The psychology behind why some people won't wear masks

A medical doctor urges Americans to think of the mask guidance not as forced conformity, but as a necessary act of solidarity.  However this rejects all the principles that guide Republicans.  

First, Republicans believe in personal responsibility and reject the idea of taking responsibility to protect others.  Each person should be responsible for themselves.

Second, Republicans believe individual rights take priority and reject the idea that there are rights shared by everyone to protect society.  Each person has the right to act on their own.

Third, Republicans believe private authority takes priority over public authority.  Private businesses and churches have primary authority to take action and public laws, rules and regulations should not be forced on private organizations.

Pandemics don’t respond to principles, morals or ethics.  Contagious diseases like COVID-19 spread when people ignore basic science and facts to believe their own principles take priority during a Pandemic.

Democrats believe in collective responsibility and support necessary acts of solidarity.

Democrats believe in collective rights and take action to protect society.

Democrats believe in public authority taking action to have a strategy and take action to protect everyone from a Pandemic.

People who wear masks believe they are taking action in solidarity with others to protect our society.  Wearing a mask protects them and protects others.

First principles require actions of solidarity beyond just wearing a mask.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Letter on Strategy

At no point does Trump or his operation prioritize governing or responsible policymaking; not in the past, and not between now and November.  White House officials go out of their way to bolster the idea that Republicans have transitioned into a post-policy party.

Republican politicians take action based on three values:
  1. Personal Responsibility
  2. Individual Rights
  3. Private Authority
However, GOP limits their governing strategy to support only those values.  Once in office GOP politicians do not govern and make policy to serve all Americans.  They focus on implementing their values exclusive of any collective responsibility or rights.  They focus on using public authority to force their values on everyone.

Governing and responsible policymaking require a different set of values.  Democrats take action based on these three values:
  1. Collective Responsibility
  2. Collective Rights
  3. Public Authority
Democrats do not limit their governing strategy to support only these values. Democrats in office govern and make policy to serve all Americans. 
  • That includes supporting individual rights defined in the Constitution, and federal and state law.  
  • That includes supporting laws that define personal responsibility.  
  • That includes supporting laws that balance private authority, states rights and federal authority.
GOP tactics win elections in states where they have suppressed voting and approved gerrymandering.  Trump does not have a strategy or tactics.  Trump’s actions represent simple transactions.  With Biden sequestered, Trump’s daily focus on transactions to help his re-election leave him vulnerable to imploding without Biden engaging directly with him a debate.

GOP and Trump do not have a strategy. Democrats have an emerging strategy that, when successful, in retrospect might be called a Grand Strategy.  That strategy includes making sure voters turnout, voters are allowed to vote and their votes are counted.

America is fighting a multi-front war.  First, there was over 30 years of Climate Crisis denial that now requires significant action.  Second, the Pandemic arrived just in time to create chaos and expose America’s vulnerabilities.  Third, the resulting Economic Recession will leave 30% of the workforce vulnerable to not being able to pay for food nor pay rent.  America won’t be returning to "normal".  We have crossed the Rubicon.

As described by author John Lewis Gaddis in his book On Grand Strategy:
  • A Leader must have the enduring strategic focus of a hedgehog while retaining the tactical flexibility like a fox to adapt to changing environments that unfold over time, space and scale.
  • Align potentially unlimited aspirations (hedgehog) with necessarily limited capabilities (fox).  This means matching capabilities with expectations in the context of the campaign.
  • The worst leaders neglect situational awareness and seek to force events to fit their preconceived designs and worldview (hedgehog).
  • The best leaders acknowledge and capitalize on the paradoxes as they unfold over time, space and scale.  They continuously adjust plans and constantly look for new opportunities by reviewing experiences and feedback from past actions.  They use self-reflection and self-criticism to improve their plans over time, space and scale.  The best leaders become strategic learners: they learn about learning.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Trump Fiddled While Americans Died

Trump Fiddled While Americans Died

"President Trump’s decision to abandon his goal of reopening the U.S. by Easter was driven, his aides said, by the number of possible deaths and polling that showed voters overwhelmingly preferred to keep containment measures in place."

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Grand Strategic Actor

City of Beaverton Oregon
Proposed testimony

By approving the Climate Action Plan, Beaverton began the process of implementing a new strategy and become a Grand Strategic Actor.  All of the steps outlined in the following implementation process align with the role of a Grand Strategic Actor.

What I’m trying to do here is find common ground with you.

Beaverton has the capacity and resources, time and space, and scalable technology to deliver the future today.  An emerging Climate Grand Strategy happens with rapid deployment of scalable solutions to achieve net zero emissions across every city in the world.  Beaverton has a role as a Grand Strategic Actor over the next five years.  

As fossil fuels decline, renewable energy and electric transportation forecasts show continued growth and expansion to create a fully functioning electric economy.

This Clean Energy Disruption over the next five years will be the fastest, deepest, most consequential disruption of energy and transportation in history. By analyzing and anticipating the consequences of this disruption, we can learn that the benefits to humanity will be immense, but to seize the upside, we will need to mitigate the downside.

What I’m trying to do here is find common ground with you.

Beaverton’s Implementation Process

First, on November 12, 2019, Beaverton approved the Climate Action Plan that set a zero-emissions goal.  In 2017, Beaverton approved an Active Transportation Plan to support human powered movement.

Second, this year Beaverton will update the Community Vision Plan and integrate the detailed action items from the Climate Action Plan into the community visioning process.  Also, the Active Transportation Plan will inform the updated Community Vision Plan.  This step implements a climate brand: "Delivering the Future Today."

Third, Beaverton supports innovative policies. In 2020, Beaverton will declare a Climate Emergency (already declared by over 1,000 other cities, regions and countries) this innovative policy statement will identify Beaverton as a Climate Grand Strategic Actor. 

When Beaverton declares support for an Oregon Green New Deal this reinforces Beaverton’s support for innovative polices. When Beaverton creates a Climate Advisory Committee this reinforces Beaverton’s support for transparency.  

These innovative policy statements, along with the Climate Advisory Committee and community visioning process, create a transparent system of feedback with the community to support implementing the Climate Action Plan.

What I’m trying to do here is find common ground with you.

Fourth, Beaverton will identify private funding for a majority of the investment required to complete high impact action items from the Climate Action Plan.  For example:
  1. The infrastructure funding for solar energy, battery storage and micro-grid for the new Public Service Center was primarily funded through PGE. 
  2. PGE will install new public EV charging stations at the corner of Broadway and Canyon
  3. PGE delivers wind energy for charging the electric bus in Beaverton.
  4. Beaverton’s Active Transportation Plan includes a list of funding sources for biking and walking infrastructure.  

Many private companies investing for their future, will support Beaverton Delivering the Future Today.

Finding common ground where we move forward together.

On Grand Strategy

On Grand Strategy
Author John Lewis Gaddis


A Leader must have the enduring strategic focus of a hedgehog while retaining the tactical flexibility like a fox to adapt to changing environments that unfold over time, space and scale.

Align potentially unlimited aspirations (hedgehog) with necessarily limited capabilities (fox).
This means matching capabilities with expectations in the context of the campaign.

The worst leaders neglect situational awareness and seek to force events to fit their preconceived designs and worldview (hedgehog).

The best leaders acknowledge and capitalize on the paradoxes as they unfold over time, space and scale.  They continuously adjust plans and constantly look for new opportunities by reviewing experiences and feedback from past actions.  They use self-reflection and self-criticism to improve their plans over time, space and scale.  The best leaders become strategic learners: they learn about learning.

Hedgehog and Fox

Central vision
Pursuit of contradictory ends
Balanced worldview
Chase scatter ideas
Knows one big thing
Knows many things
Moves forward in a straight path
Ability to adapt quickly
Simple idea, simple plan, push relentlessly forward
Set their budgets and plans, and promptly start adjusting course
Loud, lots of mistakes
Meek soft warnings
Big Theory, overgeneralizing, ignoring reality
Multiple details, warning about uncertainties
New Direction
Swiss army knife approach
Rely on predictions
Search for
Defends well, Fair
unrelated or even contradictory pursuits
Vision and mission
Operations and maintenance
doesn’t bother with complications, caveats, and uncertainties
Worries too much about details, uncertainty, failure, mistakes, uncontrollable weather.

Sustainable World Introduction


Envisioning a sustainable world is not easy. What is a sustainable world that you would like to live in, that would satisfy your deepest dreams and longings?

The purpose here is to use __System Dynamics Methodology__ (stock and flow language) to describe a sustainable world in order to improve our understanding and gain insight into the dynamics of a way to implement changes in global systems of government, economics and ecology.

Key Concepts

Population, resources and pollution are the primary accumulations we are focusing on in order to understand growth. Growth in population requires a surplus of resources. As an increasing number of people demand a higher standard of living, this also requires growth in the use of resources.

As land, water and fossil fuels are consumed or removed from the commons, there is less available for others. As pollution is added to the land, water and atmosphere, the remaining common resources are not good enough for future generations to use.

The __Lockean Proviso__ supports the privatization of the commons and must remain true for the continued justification of private property rights by individuals and corporations. The __Lockean Proviso__ was devised as the criterion to determine what makes property acquisition just. When the __Lockean Proviso__ is not true then private property acquisition is unjust to others.

Problem Statement

The __Lockean Proviso__ is true when there is enough left in common for others and the quality is good enough so that others are not deprived of the use of the common resource. An unsustainable world is when the quality of the commons is depleted so that others are deprived of resources.

Criticism of Sustainable Development

Criticism of United Nations actions to encourage sustainable development reveal a traditional approach. Conservatives and Republican politicians claim the UN has a plan to stealthily impose world-wide centralized control over people, attacking private property and energy usage. Also, claiming the UN Agenda 21 (1) is “...a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control.” (2)

In a review of Systems of Survival, Peter J. Boettke (3) refers to words by Ludwig von Mises countering an argument put forth by Otto Bauer: "....rationalizing production is impossible. Without private ownership, economic planners will not be able to rationally calculate the best use of scarce capital resources." Again, referring to Mises: "...we have at our disposal only two ways to acquire resources—we can either voluntarily trade or we forcefully take."

Guardian versus Commercial Systems

There are two ways to make a living in the 21st Century. You either work for a Guardian or a Commercial organization. Lawyers are the only profession that can have their work involved in both systems. (4)

Government protects commerce, provides stability, administers justice, and enforces uniform standards. Commerce provides the economic engine and the ethical framework for trade, technological advance, and individual rights that combine to make governments worth living under. Yet these two ethical systems are mutually exclusive and cannot be rashly integrated without the risk of ethical confusion caused by a conflict of interest.

Without a proper Guardian infrastructure the Commercial system could be threatened. The laws enforced by the Guardian system to manage property rights benefit the Commercial system. But the Guardian also knows natural resources are fundamental wealth and supports the idea that fair distribution is social justice. There's ample room for improvement if Guardians lay down the policies, are serious about enforcing them, and keep their own hands off ways and means of complying. (5)

The systems of interest are the two human systems (Guardian and Commercial) and their duties and obligations towards a Sustainable World and the Common Good, and the required positive contribution of their activities to this goal (as part of a renewed Social Contract). (6) A Sustainable World will only function within the symbiotic relationship of the Guardian and Commercial systems.


In a Sustainable World, is our goal to decrease poverty? This graph (__ from the World Bank shows that extreme poverty has been decreasing over time since 1980. Over that same time period, except for Sub-Saharan Africa AIDs epidemic, life expectancy has continued to increase. So, a Sustainable World would not have as a goal to decrease poverty.

In a Sustainable World is our goal to increase profits and accumulate wealth? That is the goal of the Commercial system. However a Sustainable World would have a balancing feedback loop that allowed the Commercial system to function as intended and have the Lockean Proviso true.

The goal of a Sustainable World is not centralized control, global political control or social engineering. However, a Sustainable World does have consequences for private property and energy usage because depletion of resources and pollution of the commons can not continue indefinitely at current levels and have the Lockean Proviso remain true. For example, when the privatization of fossil fuels pollutes the land, water and atmosphere so that others are deprived of their use of those resources then the Lockean Proviso is not true and the use of fossil fuels is unjust.

Therefore, the goal of a Sustainable World is for the Lockean Proviso to always remain true in the symbiotic relationship between the Guardian and Commercial systems.

Reference Behavior Pattern

In System Dynamics, a Reference Behavior Pattern (RBP) is the observed or anticipated behavior of the real system. The RBP uses a qualitative diagram of the system consequences so that when a computer model graphs results from a simulation, the results can be compared to the RBP for validation and verification. Also, the RBP are the consequences of the system defined by the goal and so the RBP must be aligned with the goal of the system.

The RBP of a Sustainable World would show decreasing depletion of resources from the Commons and decreasing pollution of the Commons.


The whole earth is inside the boundaries of the Sustainable World including all the land, water and air. However, our system model is going to focus on the interaction between human organizations and the Commons. First, the system model will be a general description to start with a model that works. Then over time, the model will become more detailed, more focused and specific.

Outside the boundaries of the overall system are illegal acts, corruption, dictatorships, socialism, communism and other forms of Guardian ethical systems that do not follow the separation defined by the ethical precepts listed by Jacobs in the book "Systems of Survival".

Inside the boundaries members follow the law, rules and regulations. Inside the boundaries members change, update, revise and create new laws, rules and regulations. Inside the boundaries individuals follow the ethical precepts of the organizations where they are members. Some individuals are members of both a Commercial organization and a Guardian organization. For example, lawyers cross back and forth between the two systems in their jobs. An individual might work for a private company or have their own business, and they are a member of a non-profit organization that sets standards for their type of business that all members are required to follow.


At the highest level a diagram of the Sustainable World includes three systems: Guardian, Commercial and Commons. First the Guardian and Commercial systems are linked in a symbiotic relationship as described earlier. Second, the Commercial system is linked to the Commons to privatize resources from the Commons and the Guardian system is linked to the Commons to protect resources by removing them from those available to be privatized. For now, these are just lines connecting bubbles. In a computer model the stocks, flows and parameters will be separated out and linked together.

Waste from the Commercial system is returned to the Commons. The Guardian system uses laws, rules and regulations to control the privatization of resources from the Commons and the flow of wastes to the Commons. Regulation of the resources and waste flows are marked with a red “R” in the diagram below.

This diagram represents accumulations and flows in an unclear way like a causal loop diagram. The diagram is aligned with the goal of the Sustainable World by having the Guardian system regulate the flows to and from the Commons so that the Lockean Proviso is true. However there are several problems. First, wastes that go back to the Commons must keep the Commons good enough for others to use. Second, the diagram does not show the recycling flows of privatized resources and wastes within the Commercial system. Third, this is too high a level of diagram to convert into a computer model.

Here is a model of resources flowing between the Commons, private property and protected property.


John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, Chapter V, paragraph 27.

Jacobs, Jane. Systems of Survival: A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics. New York: Random House, 1992.

Sustainable World Model

Friday, February 14, 2020

Do You Believe In Air?

One human said to another: “This thing called air; do you believe in it?”  

Immersed in air from our first breath to our last; we’re oblivious to air like a fish swims in water.

Still here in the 20th Century, the Greek gods of the sea, underground and sky were awakened by humans .  The god of oceans and rising sea levels, Poseidon fuels hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons.  The god of the dark underground world of geology, marshes and methane hydrates, Hades fuels methane burping and throws a major tantrum when awakened.  The god of sky, cloud and thunder, Zeus has a fever and seems increasingly pissed off.

The gods have exaggerated personalities and are plagued with personal flaws and negative emotions despite their immortality and superhero-like powers.  However, humans interfered with the air by increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere.  This awakened the sleeping gods from below and above, and they started acting wildly and uncontrollably. The home of the gods has a temperature hotter than at any time in three million years.

Americans have no power over gods of sea, underground and sky. Americans believe that we are the dominant nation on the planet, that we wield the power and that we are entitled to exploit other humans and species.  This arrogance, irrational control, and technology give us the illusion of mastery over the earth.

Living on the earth with each other for hundreds of thousands of years, the recent deaths of forests, animals and humans progressed until the gods were awakened to the ecocide.  WWII caused the genocide of over 6 million humans. 

Ecocide will reduce the global population by one billion humans and risk generations of harm to billions more in the future.

This thing called air; do you believe in it?

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Collectivism compared to Individualism

People Alignment vs Individualism

The Sunrise Movement is up against centuries of American Individualism that in 2020 needs to begin to change to align with the Sunrise Movement Principles.  As then Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover wrote in his 1922 book "American Individualism": "Individualism has been the primary force of American civilization for three centuries."

Theory: The Sunrise Movement and the overall Climate Movement are fighting a war with Individualism.  Compare the American past, our history and social norms with the principles of the Sunrise Movement.

Individualism:  the prioritization or emphasis of the individual over the entire group. Individualistic cultures are oriented around the self, and being independent instead of identifying with a group mentality.

Without individualism, James Elishama Smith argued in the 1800s, individuals cannot amass property to increase one's happiness.  In 2020 and beyond, happiness will be based on a collectivist society not individual wealth.

Individualistic Teams: The individuals in this team feel independent from each other, typically based on their skillset and feel they are the person responsible for a piece of the puzzle. The decisions and choices made in the team are expected by each individual.

Collectivist Teams: Collectivist teams are where everyone is making decisions collectively, this results in more of a consensus decision making model and typically the team feels responsible for the success collectively.

There is a spectrum of behaviors at the societal level ranging from highly individualistic societies through mixed societies to collectivist.

Sunrise Principles

These are guidelines of the Sunrise Movement that all commit to uphold. Any action that does not embody these principles is not a Sunrise action.

  1. We are a movement to stop climate change and create millions of good-paying jobs in the process.
  2. We grow our power through talking to our communities. 
  3. We are Americans from all walks of life.
  4. We are nonviolent in word and deed. 
  5. We tell our stories and we honor each other's stories. 
  6. We ask for help and we give what we can. 
  7. We take initiative.
  8. We embrace experimentation and we learn together. 
  9. We take care of ourselves, each other, and our shared home. 
  10. We stand with other movements for change. 
  11. We shine bright.