Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Rotary Club: The Four-Way Test of Climate Change

Using the Rotary Club Four-way test to create a narrative about the climate.

Rotary Club: The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do:
1 Is it the truth?
2 Is it fair to all concerned?
3 Will it build good will and better friendships?
4 Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
1. Yes, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are changing climate over time as measured by increasing variations from long-term averages for temperature, precipitation, storm strength, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and many other measurements of wildlife, plants and water.  Solutions include building renewable energy and shutting down fossil fuel energy industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Policy solutions include placing a price on carbon.  in the future, new technology will Improve processes to take greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere as a viable way to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

2. No, the consequences of the greenhouse effect are not fair to all concerned.  The poor and those living in developing countries now suffer the consequences of the CO2 emissions by North America and Europe, and a growing China.  Refugee camps in Africa, the Middle East and other locations have millions of people and get more people daily. The migration of climate refugees will continue to increase into the hundreds of millions.  The people who have not benefited from the energy produced by burning fossil fuels will suffer the worst consequences.

3. Yes, implementing solutions as a collective action will build good will and we are better together.  Bonding, communicating, explaining and inspiring each other works to increase action to deal with the consequences and to act on solutions.  Working together we build goodwill and better friendships.

American climate refugees will migrate from California and SW States into the NW States. Americans will be “snow birds” migrating north into NW and Eastern Canada during the summer.  Prior to 2020, the richest and those with jobs will relocate. Then a surprise American event will motivate the poorest and neediest to travel and become climate refugees.

4.  Yes, the global economy and the American economy will benefit.  Action will create jobs and improve living standards.  Converting the economy from fossil fuels to use electricity to power everything will improve health, wealth and income.

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