Saturday, January 7, 2012

Myths and Reality: Competition and Education

Myth #1
Competition is the engine of a free market economy that creates jobs.
Cooperation and collaboration are the fundamental elements of economic expansion to create jobs.  Contracts between businesses require negotiation to find common ground for authorization.  Contracts between businesses require cooperation to implement.  Continuous improvement in logistics, products and services requires collaboration between businesses.  New products and services require cooperation and collaboration within a business to bring ideas to market.
There is no such thing as a free market. There is always government regulation by federal, state or local agencies.  Businesses are always seeking ways to gain a competitive advantage over rivals using regulation. Competition destroys jobs by putting other companies out of business and increasing productivity (fewer jobs per output).
Myth #2
Choices in education create improved outcomes for students.
Competition in K12 and higher education by private, for-profit companies and charter schools increases inequity in student outcomes.  There is no scientific evidence that non-public education alternatives, for the majority of students, increases outcomes because the only correlation with improved outcomes is socio-economic status.
NCLB law and other federal and state education policies implemented in the last 20 years to increase choice and privatize education have increased inequity of outcomes for students.  Students with low socio-economic status continue to experience low test scores except in a few focused and well organized continuous improvement projects.

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