Sunday, September 18, 2011

Public Frustration Grows With GOP Approach to Jobs, Deficit

Public Frustration Grows With GOP Approach to Jobs, Deficit

Public frustration is growing with Republican's approach to deficit reduction and job creation, as the President prepares to unveil the latest plank in his economic roadmap Monday. The tone from the public has changed markedly over the past two weeks. When Obama delivered his jobs speech to Congress earlier this month, GOP leaders greeted the address with blanket statements welcoming the opportunity to work together on proposals that will grow the economy.  But then the president proposed paying for those items with tax increases and the majority of the public agree. And in the president's plan for long-term deficit reduction set for release Monday, he's expected to call for a new tax rate for people making more than $1 million a year.

The Republican's say the President is in "class warfare mode" and engaging in class warfare against the people who create jobs.  However the Republicans are the ones engaging in class warfare against the 99 percent of the public that don't make over $1 million a year.

Unfortunately the Republicans believe only in conflict.  As former President Clinton said, "cooperation is good economics, even if conflict is good politics."

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