Saturday, October 12, 2013

21st Century Political Warfare

At the beginning of the 21st Century, America entered a Crisis Era similar to the 1920s and 1930s.  The run up to the Great Depression matches the financial, political, social and cultural patterns of the first decade of this century.  Similar to the pattern after 1930, from 2010 to 2020, America will continue to experience crisis after crisis.  Every decision will feel like the consequences of making mistake will make matters worse. Every right decision will be quickly forgotten as the next crisis hits us like an ocean wave knocking us off our feet.

A civil crisis in America is building between conservative and liberal policies.  People are taking sides and demanding action.  Violence against the symbols of civilization that was only verbal in the past has migrated to individuals, non-state actors and nation states taking violent action.  The American government is being used to exert more control to protect civilization.

Political Parties

Republican (conservative) political rhetoric is infused with individualism. A Republican America focuses on the origin of sovereign power in the individual and asserts that no government can deprive a minority or individual of their sovereign rights and powers.  Republican political policies are derived from this concept of individualism based on sovereign rights and powers.

Democratic political rhetoric is infused with modern Liberalism.  A Democratic America focuses on the sovereign power of the government and asserts that no minority or individual can be deprived of their rights and powers defined in the Constitution and laws.  Democratic political policies are derived from this concept of liberalism based on the sovereign rights and powers of the government.

A representative democracy, like the United States, permits a transfer of the exercise of sovereignty from the people to the government.  This creates a tension between how much control an individual retains over their life and how much the individual transfers to the government.  Republican and Democratic arguments about policies are based on how to implement each of the conflicting concepts to resolve the dilemma between the individual and government.

Republicans want less government interference in individual decisions. Democrats want less individual interference in government decisions. This dilemma is resolved with each election. The pendulum moves back and forth over time.

Republican Policies

Republican support for individualism has been extended to Corporations.  Republican policies promote less government interference in corporate decisions by extending to them the same rights and powers as citizens under the Constitution.  The pendulum has moved back and forth between lax government controls and tight government controls.  Corporations are increasing their influence over whether individual rights are respected or not.

Democratic Policies

Democratic support for liberalism has been extended to Corporations.  Democratic policies promote a mixed economy and the general welfare of society as a legitimate role of government. Corporate access to substantial resources and political power creates a conflict when they infringe on individual rights and freedom.


Conservative arguments give priority to the sovereign rights of individuals.  Liberal arguments give priority to the sovereign right of government to protect minority and individual rights.

When there is peace and prosperity, liberty and freedom, then individuals have the opportunity to exert their rights and powers without infringing on the rights of others.  In the current Crisis Era, individuals will be forced to subordinate their needs and wants to the sovereignty of the government to protect Civilization.

Sovereignty requires not only the legal right to exercise power, but the actual exercise of such power.  In the current Crisis Era, the US Government has and will continue to expand the legal right to actively exercise power over individuals, non-state actors and other nation states.


What are the consequences of corporations gaining the same rights as citizens and being able to pay to elect politicians that support less interference by government?  When corporations with sufficient resources extend their legal rights and exercise their power, they infringe on the sovereignty of the US Government.

The Republican argument is based on not wanting the government to infringe on the sovereignty of individuals and corporations.  The Democratic argument is based on not wanting individuals and corporations to infringe on the sovereignty of government.  The difference in the boundaries defined by the problem shows the Republican argument has narrow boundaries drawn around individuals and corporations.  The Democratic argument has broad boundaries drawn around everyone and assumes individuals and corporations will act in their own selfish best interests and not in the best interests of society as a whole.