What is needed in America?
- Tell people to take a deep breath and calm down.
- Tell people they do not need to feel afraid.
- Tell people to show respect for each other.
Every message from the White House needs to communicate that we are not in a crisis at the moment. The media hype does not mean there is a crisis. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and remain calm. America needs to take a collective deep breath and calm down.
Every message from every person working for the President needs to communicate that we do not need to feel afraid of anything or anyone. America has the resources, the military power and the economy to recover from our current problems. Everyone needs to stop feeling afraid of what might or might not happen and deal with what they need to do today without fear.
Every message from the White House and the people working for the President needs to demand that people show respect for one another. Everyone needs to step back from disrespecting others and behave in a respectful way towards each other. Every school in America has respecting others as a key character trait. Adults also need to behave in a respectful way towards each other. People who are not behaving in a respectful way need to be challenged on their behavior and told to change how they behave toward others.
What happens next?
People will begin going about their lives day to day finding jobs, getting married, retiring, going to school and shopping for groceries. The economy will slowly improve and terrorist threats will be dealt with. Businesses will earn profits and government will govern.
But what about the health care crisis, the debt crisis and education crisis?
In order to deal with these issues, we first need to calm down, not feel afraid and show respect for other people and their opinions. Each of us needs to remember to breathe deeply and stay calm. Deciding to not feel afraid of what might happen will empower people to take action for their own well being. Showing respect for others is behaving in a calm way, not showing fear and not getting angry.